For All The Gorgeous People In The World

Welcome to my stories. Here I wanna share you all about the stories that I have. It depends on the situation, and it depends on the labels. It can be my own story, it can be like an unreal story, and it may be Your story here. Just enjoy reading it-----> It's absolutely just for fun, don't take it too serious, make it simple, easy, interesting and enjoying for you. Love -@novialuciana

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Monday, Should I really Love this day ??

Again, I'm starting to write something, there's so many things in my thought right now. Feel so empty, yess I am !!! This feeling is so suck.

Ketika lo ngerasa sendirii, jauuhh, dan nggak ada artinyaa. Kayakk ditengah-tengah keramaian orang banyak, cumaa sendiri ajaa. gue takut kehilangan, itu ajah. Just like a miracle this life, how can u describe it well ?? A BEAUTIFUL LIFE, errrr.....hemmm......Money, Honorary, Jewelery, Position. NOPE !!!! Never at all. Bukan ituu yg gue cari, indahnya hidup ini, bukan itu semua. Just, there's something that I really wanna tell, but it's too hard to say.

Horrible, hidup lo bakalan jadi kayak momok mengerikan kalau yang ada di otak lo itu beberapa hal yang gue bilang tadi. Apa siihh ?? Apaa sihh yang bisa bikin hidup lo lebih berharga, berasa kayak lo punya semuanya, bisa atau ada nggak yang bikin lo TERSENYUM TULUS setiap detik ??

ADA...yeessss.....itu DIA. Siapa siihh ?? Siapaa sihh DIA ituu ??

Nggaaakk, dia bukan orang yang sempurna, DIA jauh dari sempurna. Berapa skalanya ?? Yaahh, cuma 1% kok. Hah kug bisa ?? iyaaa dong, yg gue lihat siih, DIA bisa menyempurnakan 99% hidup gue. Pake apaaa ?? CUMA PAKE SENYUM DIA, CUMA PAKE KEBAHAGIAAN DIA, CUMA PAKE TAWA RENYAHNYA DIA.  DIA itu 1% gue. Makasih Ya Allah :')

99% + 1% = KESEMPURNAAN HIDUP GUE DARI ALLAH SWT....Alhamdulilah ya Allah :))