For All The Gorgeous People In The World

Welcome to my stories. Here I wanna share you all about the stories that I have. It depends on the situation, and it depends on the labels. It can be my own story, it can be like an unreal story, and it may be Your story here. Just enjoy reading it-----> It's absolutely just for fun, don't take it too serious, make it simple, easy, interesting and enjoying for you. Love -@novialuciana

Selasa, 20 April 2010


Udah lama nihh tidak menyentuh dirimu. hehehehh. Aku punya satuuu kutipan cerita sebenernyaa, tapi belum sempet diposting. Dan akuu belum ada mood buat bercerita. hehehehh.

Hemm....short holiday to Batam and Singapore, will be very lovely for me. hehehheh. Can't waiit deehh. Tapi bakal sangadh merindukan mr.udulz, kaluu dia bisa ikudd, kan akuu bisa koleksi banyak foto-foto gituu di setiap sudut. ehhehehehh.

Apaan lagi yaaa. Hemm....pas banget akuu mau UTS yaa liburan kali ini, makannya haruuss belajar dulu. Mudah2an Allah SWT merestui, jadinyaaa...akuu sukses semua. hehehehh. aduuh, lagii maless nulis banyak2. see yiu ajhahh yaaa....=)))

with love,


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